Man is a social animal. Ive been hearing this ever since i knew what "social animal" meant. Oh i completely agree that in some ways man is worse than an animal. But that day i was just marvelling at the fact that Man is so adaptive. We may complain , grumble, swear never to change a particular habit or lifestyle, but when we are forced to do it, we adapt!! and so easily!!
That day we were moving house, and inevitably it brought back memories of when we were packing up to leave Salalah. Poignant, nostalgic. And all mom could say was that it was the end of another chapter. A roller coaster ride... thats how i describe last year. But then i was wondering , why cant we look forward and say "a new chapter" Life is a book and each phase is a chapter, but this is a new chapter. Let's look forward and wait in anticipation; not only for what we want but what we dont want as well. Ah me has become philisophical.
Let's change the topic. That day i was chatting with one of my oldest school friends, and it felt so nice Jus seeing how we've grown up in these five years since school and all that and then i realised that suddenly our paths have changes, our goals have chnaged , we have become new people and suddenly the only link we have is our childhood and God! how strong that one link is! You know, its so weird. i have had friends all my life-especially in school- but today i find that i can hardly connect to them. they dont seem to have chnaged as a result of their experiences, but i have. and at some level the maturity level in us just doesnt connect. It's sad in a way but the friendship will remain. I'm sure of that.
hmmm.. you know, nowadays ive been advocating one particular fact of everyone's life- the fact that dont expect anyone to understand you or your circumstances. it's not their fault, its jsut that unless and until they are in a similar situation as you, they wont, but even then its not a guarantee, thts because the nature of their situation maybe different, and more importantly, they may handle it differently. Every person is unique and may not have the same reaaction as you do.
God is indeed a marvellous entity.
hmmmm i dunnno where to end this stupid discourse or how! so till then:)