Friday, August 20, 2010


I had written this quite a few months ago and just found it in my drafts.....
posting it so that no thought, emotion or feeling of mine gets lost in the myriad complications of life

so many things i don't want u to be

so many things u are

so many things u want me to be

so many things im not. 

so much to change

so much to sacrifice...

nothing is as we want

there always is a price

where does this all end?

when do we call the quits?

how can we live and love?

how can we believe in us?

as life moves on and hopes and aspirations build

along comes fear, and pain and joy

hope warms the ice cold heart

i look toward what we may be tomorrow

i hope to see what we are today

the future looks far away and dim

but i hope that things are how we want them to be

Thursday, August 19, 2010

in a boat, by DH Lawrence

From Amores, (1916).

See the stars, love,

In the water much clearer and brighter

Than those above us, and whiter,

Like nenuphars.

Star-shadows shine, love,

How many stars in your bowl?

How many shadows in your soul,

Only mine, love, mine?

When I move the oars, love,

See how the stars are tossed,

Distorted, the brightest lost.

So that bright one of yours, love.

The poor waters spill

The stars, waters broken, forsaken.

The heavens are not shaken, you say, love,

Its stars stand still.

There, did you see

That spark fly up at us; even

Stars are not safe in heaven.

What of yours, then, love, yours?

What then, love, if soon

Your light be tossed over a wave?

Will you count the darkness a grave,

And swoon, love, swoon?