Saturday, March 7, 2009


Okay, so here’s the deal!

I have a zillion dreams…

1) I want to become a clinical psychologist. Work with people, listen to them, and help solve their problems. I want to assess them, interpret their personalities.
2) I want to open a small deli cum confectionary of my own, complete with baked brick walls, and splendid aromas wafting from the kitchen. Concoct amazing delicacies, experiment a bit, and introduce various foods from exotic lands. It’ll be this cozy little place, more like a home, where ill keep those soft couches that one sees in “Crossword” and small, round glass tables. The dim yellow light will add to the cozy aura and the warmth from the oven in the kitchen will give one the feeling of being in their mom’s kitchen.
3) I want to get into editing (something m doing as a part time job) because, I have this really irritating habit of correcting my friends’ English every time they say it wrong.

So wherein lies the problem??? Hmmm the first option doesn’t have much money in it. The second option needs a lot of investment. The third option is the only place where I can get the money to probably fulfill my second dream. But then, I don’t want it as much as I do the first and second options. Also, I’m afraid that ill just get sucked into the comfort of having a stable job (god willing) and may become too lethargic to actually pursue my first two dreamsL
So does it seem like I’ve gone back to square one?? I think so L


Anonymous said...

Or ... you can start a deli with a nice little loan, work with people (customers at the deli) and listen them and help them solve their problems, while working at the deli and start a "deli daily" magazine, which is sold for $1 at the deli where aspiring writers can have their columns, which you can obviously edit :-)

P.E.A.C.E said...

Hehe, thanks for the innovative idea :) ill definitely consider it.

Shweta G said...

i think u can work for 15-20 years as a psychologists n editor....side by side(part time) n then at at the age of 50 u cud fulfill ur dream no.2 after havin enuf mny to invest... :)