Saturday, March 14, 2009

How I celebrated Women's Day...

This was an idyllic weekend, a long one too!
So it started off with work :). It was a very very boring day at work (as usual), where I faffed a lot, but still got something done. I left early from office and met up with Priyam and Pragya—two of my closest friends in Mumbai. We took a ferry to an island just off the coast of Mumbai. It’s called Manori— a small, idyllic beach spot. So we went to this not-so-dingy hotel and booked a room. The view was wonderful and the smell of brine and sand came wafting thru, the “backyard” of the hotel was like a playground, complete with hammocks and swings, and a merry-go-round and see-saws. Oh and what a return to childhood!!! We played on all three, laughing like little kids, while swinging high, merry-go-rounding fast, and see-sawing. The sheer exhilaration of doing something completely mundane, innocent and free is something I just can’t describe. All three of us cuddled up into one hammock (a miracle it didn’t break!) and just chatted, beneath the moon and stars and coconut trees if u may please. We sang together after a long long time—songs long forgotten, loved, nostalgic. We wanted to be up before the sun so that we could go to the beach. So after a very sleepless night (thanks to the dust mites) we woke up and reached the beach, which was just behind the hotel. The serene landscape, the horizon—a wall between two shades of blue; its been long since I felt sand under my feet and waves lapping. The salt in the air smelt heavenly and all I wanted to do was lie down on the beach with the waves all around me. We walked along the shore till we came to some rocks and sat down there, looking across the ocean. Empty thoughts…calm waves…not a cloud in the sky… just the three of us—Dil Chahta hai style. When we went back to the hotel I again sat on the swing again. I felt like I was flying, the sheer joy, the freedom, the sheer happiness as I was flying into the air and back. I laughed like a child, all woes and problems forgotten, childhood memories came back to me, I wanted to swing again and again till I could swing no more. But then, the sun came out and was scorching everything in sight. Soon we found ourselves back on the ferry feeling like we’d been there for a week. Oh, but what a relaxing week, and what a return to our childhood on Women’s Day!!


Unknown said...

ok first of all..u have to take me there when i come, or you 3 are soo dead!! and secondly even though i wasnt there..i hope i was there in ur thoughts :( even i wanna do a total girl trip :(:(:(

Shweta G said...

hey so happy to knw tht u enjoyed....keep smiling u lots...hope to go out of town (widout parents) one day...hahhaaaha remembr the plans these gals used to make..