Friday, April 10, 2009


I’m walking along the shore, the wet sand under my feet…

The sunset reflecting the calm waters and the wind sweeping through my hair...

Somewhere I can hear a seagull cry, and I sit down on the sand.

The white sand trickles between my fingers each shiny granule spectacular in its own way,

and I let the calm wash over me..

Life has come full circle and I’m still at the beginning…

Undecided, scared and very skeptical of the future,

Yet somewhere I am confident that things can’t be worse than they already are,

And my faith in choices making my destiny is reinforced…

The sun is setting and the smell of brine in the air is delicious,

I decide to walk back, casting shadows on the sand,

leaving the footprints of my past behind...

Alone, free…


Shweta G said...

hey u hv written this?i mean is the idea or concept is urs...the lines r so beautiful u bacchu...simply its jus gr8 dear...

P.E.A.C.E said...

yes darling i have written this....