Sunday, April 4, 2010


I've had my share of failure. Not one but many. And as i failed each time, i would withdraw further, cringe and give up. Life had become a thoughts justified each other. Id lay in bed at night, thinking, wondering, cursing myself for not having the guts to face failure, for not having the guts to be who i was, to be ME.

For me, escapism was the way out...
the door was open, the feet ready to walk out. but the mind was fickle, diffident, changing the moment it was made up....

those days were agony, that time was tortuous and not because of my experiences--those paled in comparison to my thoughts.
I was faithless. I dint have faith in God, in my family, in myself...

The mind is a funny entity. it can torture u no end, but can fool u into believing that all is well....

slowly and steadily i picked up the pieces, learnt from my mistakes, reined my mind in.
gradually i grew out of the shell i had hidden inside, broke open barriers and as i lifted my face up to the sky and the sun's rays shone down on me...i was a new person

I cant say that i left that failure behind, but i kept it in mind, it was always my driving succeed to not be who i used to be. to remain ME.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ok i can only say here is tat..u can never succeed in life unless u tats how it goes it indeed is a success 4 u tat u have bcome brave enuf to face ur failure n stand up to it..n learn a gr8 deal form them...MUAH so u r officially successful..hehehe keep it up baby