Monday, January 12, 2009


I'm in the train going home sitting at the window watching life pass by me. Trees, stations, tracks, people, all dart by in a blur.
I stand at the window. A cold breeze has picked up; the curtains are billowing under the effect. Far away I can hear a few lone crows cawing, probably in their sleep. It's one o' clock in the morning and Pragya's sound asleep. I absorb the darkness, the quiet. My mind in a turmoil, its been a while since it rested in peace. Feelings well up inside me, but I quell them for the fear of an outburst. I introspect, I ponder, I think, I wonder, but I dont get any answers. But then, I gave up asking questions long ago. For how long can I maintain this facade? For how long will flashes of memories blind me, songs remind me, smells give me the warmth I'm craving?


Shweta G said...

don't really know for how long....really...ur feelings are conveyed..may be till the time you wont move ahead...its too practical too say darling..but too difficult to apply...

but life is like a staircase....if u r standing on the very first step..start climbing..imagine as if ther r ants(past) down there...if u dont climb up...they ll be allover ur body... but if u keep on goin up...after a point of time...u ll see thm so small,tht they wont be able to even reach to u :)

P.E.A.C.E said...

I absolutely loved the analogy:)