Wednesday, September 22, 2010


times when i wonder whether all this struggling, fighting, hoping, dreaming is worth it. What if what is meant to be is just doom? im in this self pitying mode where i can see only wat is negative in my life. i hate it, but i guess im entitled to it once in awhile. im tired of all this, all the unsurety, insecurity, instability, the wondering whether my choices are right, my actions are correct, my path is relatively unstrewn with thorns.
Am i being stubbron? stubborn tht i want what i want, what i have dreamt. but am i then not a fool to give so much and not expect any thing in return? so now im counting my sacrifices, my compromises so am i not an opportunist, throw it in their faces when im most frustrated, most tired?
dunno....i just knw tht as i go down the path i choose, i will have to draw on all my strength and make things work. I just wish it wasnt a one-man show!

1 comment:

Tripti said...

Well, it's not a one-man show. Amma Karthik and I are there for you na.